Saturday, 12 November 2016

Week B24

SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 1

Monday, November 7, 2016

As many rounds as possible (AMRAP), in 20 minutes, of:
  1. 3 Pull-Up
  2. 6 Push-Ups
  3. 10 Air Squats


Rounds: 23 (52.2s/round) (+1 cf. Previous,  -1 cf. PR)
Reps: 69 Pull-Ups + 138 Push-Ups + 230 Air Squats = 437 (2.7 s/rep)

I spent most of the weekend continuing the renovation work in my basement. (The renovation is to provide a bedroom and bathroom for my son.)

The most recent work in the basement was application of spray foam insulation. My gym is in the utility room...and so is the boiler. So, I am now working out in a well-insulated boiler room, during heating season. It was hot.

Of course, I was tired, on account of the busy weekend. With the heat and fatigue, I am doubly pleasantly surprised with today’s good result!

SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 2

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Level 6, Day 2 consists of 5 rounds of:
  1. 6 Pull-Ups
  2. 19 Push-Ups
  3. 32 Squats


  • Round 1: 1m19s
  • Round 2: 1m17s
  • Round 3: 1m19s
  • Round 4: 1m59s
  • Round 5: 1m59s
Total: 7m51s (-13s cf. previous, +17s cf. PR) (94.2 s/round)
Reps: 30 Pull-Ups + 95 Push-Ups + 160 Air Squats = 285 (1.65 s/rep)

Day 2 is always hard.

SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 3

Friday, November 11, 2016

Level 6, Day 3 consists of 1 round of:
  1. 32 Pull-Ups (15-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-2)
  2. 64 Push-Ups (22-10-6-6-6-6)
  3. 64 Squats (30-6-10-10-8)
Time: 10m35s (+1m31s cf. Previous, +1m31s cf. PR)
Reps: 32 Pull-Ups + 64 Push-Ups + 64 Air Squats = 160 (3.9 s/rep)

Eesh. I am not very happy with this time!

In the good ol' days, I could do 20 or more pull-ups before taking a rest. This was the foundation for beating Day 3 on Levels 6, 7, and 8. I can't seem to do this anymore. I think I know why, but there is not an easy solution.

The reason I can't do 20 pull-ups in one belt, is that my pull-up bar is now located in my basement, suspended from the floor joists of the floor above. Previously, the bar was in the very tall living room doorway. I could really throw myself around, and could kip with impunity. In the new setup, there is not a great deal of room between the bar and the joists, so I have to be careful, or I will bash my head.


  1. Hang the bar a bit lower.

    Problem: bar is already not very far above the floor.

  2. Instead of focusing on speed, focus on technique.

    I could try doing dead hang pull-ups with perfect form. I doubt I would ever beat Day 3 on Level 6. Day 3 on Level 5 might still be too much. But, maybe this is a way to get stronger, without going faster?

  3. Move my workouts somewhere else.

    There is no other suitable space in my house, so I would have to find a gym.

    Problem: gym takes way more time out of my day.

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