SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 1
Monday, November 14, 2016As many rounds as possible (AMRAP), in 20 minutes, of:
- 3 Pull-Up
- 6 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
Rounds: 19 (63.2s/round) (-1 cf. Previous, -5 cf. PR)Reps: 57 Pull-Ups + 114 Push-Ups + 190 Air Squats = 361 (3.3 s/rep)
After Saturday's Day 3, which was a dreary slog, I posted some questions about how to make Day 3 more successful. The advice I got (Thanks Neil. Thanks Steven.) had me thinking the best option was to do DEAD-HANG pull-ups, instead of the do-whatever-I-want-to-get-to-the-bar–style pull-ups I have been doing for years.
This is a big change. A change for my body—yes—but more of a change for my mind, which expects my workouts to feel a certain way and yield certain results. The change may stick. It may not.
19 rounds with dead-hang pull-ups compares favourably to results achieved with the old anything goes form. Not bad.
SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 2
Thursday, November 17, 2016Level 6, Day 2 consists of 5 rounds of:
- 6 Pull-Ups
- 19 Push-Ups
- 32 Squats
- Round 1: 1m17s
- Round 2: 1m11s
- Round 3: 1m40s
- Round 4: 1m15s
- Round 5: 1m17s
Reps: 30 Pull-Ups + 95 Push-Ups + 160 Air Squats = 285 (1.89 s/rep)
I did DEAD-HANG pull-ups today, and, as expected, it slowed me down.
SimpleFit, Level 6, Day 3
Saturday, November 19, 2016Level 6, Day 3 consists of 1 round of:
- 32 Pull-Ups (0-4-3-2-3-2-2-2-2-2)
- 64 Push-Ups (24-10=10-7-6-4-3)
- 64 Squats (32-16-16)
Reps: 32 Pull-Ups + 64 Push-Ups + 64 Air Squats = 160 (4.2 s/rep) (Previous: 3.9 s/rep )
Per Day 1 and Day 2, today’s Day 3 was done with DEAD-HANG pull-ups, yeilding a time only 37s slower than last week (though it was a full two minutes and 8 seconds slower than my PR).
My form was not perfect, but was still pretty darn dead-hangy.
Week Over Week
Over the whole week, I did 806 reps, in 2,412 seconds, or 3.0 s/rep.Last week, I managed 882 reps, in 2,306 seconds, or 2.6 s/rep.